Ambassador’s Marc Konesco Joins Imagine America Foundation Board of Directors

Konesco Brings Long Tenured Run in Career Education, Building on Ambassador’s Commitment to Advancing Educational Opportunities

Ambassador Education Solutions, which powers customized, affordable course materials programs, today announced that Senior Vice President of Sales Marc Konesco has joined the Board of Directors of Imagine America Foundation (IAF). Founded more than 40 years ago, IAF provides scholarship and award programs to thousands of career college students each year. IAF also is considered the research arm of the career college market.

“I am honored to be able to give back to the sector, recognizing the work schools are doing to provide career-ready programs and valuable pathways for students,” said Konesco. “I’ve been involved with career schools as both a school operator and partner, and I’m excited to share my experiences, further IAF’s vision, and create thoughtful new ways to support students and schools.”

Konesco’s appointment to the IAF board reinforces Ambassador’s support of career education. Steven M. Blicht, Ambassador’s CEO, served as an IAF board member for a decade and the company has regularly donated to IAF’s scholarship program. Ambassador is the largest course materials provider to career education schools, helping them improve course materials operations and financial transparency, and saving schools and students millions of dollars on textbooks and resources. Ambassador’s course materials solutions and technology are also being recognized by and integrated at non-profit colleges and universities around the country.

At Ambassador, Konesco works closely with schools to customize course materials programs that adapt to the changing needs of students. Konesco is no stranger to career education and IAF having served as a career school COO. Joining the IAF board, he continues a longstanding commitment to the educational community, advancing education opportunities and supporting students.

“We are thrilled to have Marc join our Board of Directors,” said Robert L. Martin, President and CEO of IAF. “I’ve known Marc for years and have always been impressed with his drive for action and innovation. He brings tremendous insights from so many facets of higher education, he has great ideas, and he is truly invested in the success of our schools and students.”

About Ambassador Education Solutions
For decades, Ambassador has made course materials simple, effective and affordable. From print and digital to OER, devices and more, Ambassador eases course materials adoption, management, delivery and access at colleges and universities nationwide. Ambassador’s Course Materials Platform, RODA, integrates with leading SIS, LMS, financial systems, eBook readers, publishers and digital content platforms. RODA connects students with affordable course materials, streamlines operations for schools, and eases account management and reconciliation for publishers, all through one easy-to-use platform. Schools trust Ambassador to improve course materials accessibility, lower operational and financial risks, and deliver usage and cost transparency. For more information, please visit

About Imagine America Foundation
The Imagine America Foundation (IAF) has been serving the career college community since 1982. IAF provides scholarships, awards, financial aid information, sector research and faculty training; honors achievement in career education; and supports and promotes the bene?ts of career colleges to the general public. The research used in Imagine America publications and analyses to promote postsecondary career education is sponsored in part by the Career Student First Fund.

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Media Contact: Kristi Emerson ·   800.431.8913  ·


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