Ambassador’s Marc Konesco Joins Imagine America Foundation Board of Directors

Ambassador Education Solutions, which powers customized, affordable course materials programs, today announced that Senior Vice President of Sales Marc Konesco has joined the Board of Directors of Imagine America Foundation (IAF). Founded more than 40 years ago, IAF provides scholarship and award programs to thousands of career college students each year. IAF also is considered…


5 Things to Look for in a Course Materials Partner (Ambassador Article Published in eCampus News)

The course materials landscape seems to be a moving target these days as schools and stores navigate evolving formats and delivery models. Keeping pace with course materials processes and technologies while trying to keep operations and costs in check can be a challenge. Seeking help from a course materials partner can be beneficial. Course materials…


Ambassador Education Solutions and StrataTech Education Group Simplify Course Materials Through Inclusive Access and Equitable Access

Ambassador Education Solutions, which powers course materials programs for institutions across the country, is managing a new Inclusive Access and Equitable Access program for students at Tulsa Welding School (TWS) and the Refrigeration School (RSI), which are owned and operated by StrataTech Education Group (StrataTech). Ambassador is automating the course materials process for students –…


Outsourcing Course Materials: Perception vs Reality (Ambassador Article Published in Career Education Review)

The course materials landscape is ever-changing, whether through emerging technologies, greater diversity of resources, evolving student expectations, or increased emphasis on textbook affordability. As institutions assess their internal capabilities and what’s in their students’ best interests, many are turning to outsourcing to address course materials competencies and costs. Specifically, outsourcing has the power to deliver…


The Impact of Analytics on Inclusive Access and Equitable Access (Ambassador Article Published in eCampusNews)

Students today expect easy access to course materials, and it’s not an unreasonable expectation. We’ve heard from a significant number of students that they appreciate it when the required items are included in their course or program. It’s one less thing they have to think about. As institutions continue to streamline the course materials process…


Ambassador Advances Its PinPoint Technology, Empowering Schools and Bookstores to Manage Digital Content Fulfillment While Ambassador Manages the Financial Backbone

Ambassador Education Solutions, which powers course materials programs for schools across the country, has enhanced its PinPoint technology, removing the complicated financial management burden of digital content programs from school and bookstore operations. Now all schools and bookstores, regardless of their preference to outsource course materials management or handle fulfillment internally, can leverage Ambassador’s PinPoint…


Course Materials Data: What to Look For and Why You Need it (Ambassador Article in eCampusNews)

Course materials reporting, analytics, and financial reconciliation have become massive undertakings for schools these days. This is, in large part, because data often lives in different silos, platforms, and systems across campuses, making it difficult for schools to know what information is available, let alone how to compile and assess all of it. Additionally, some…


University of Alaska Anchorage Selects Ambassador Education Solutions to Power its Online Bookstore and Inclusive Access Operations

The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) and Ambassador Education Solutions today announced a partnership naming Ambassador as the University’s new online bookstore provider for course materials. After an extensive request for proposal process, Ambassador was selected to serve UAA students, faculty and staff with a comprehensive, enhanced, online bookstore experience, including Inclusive Access management and…


6 Ways to Lower Course Materials Costs for Students (Ambassador Article in eCampusNews)

After decades of rising course materials costs, students are finally feeling some relief. Yet even though spending on course materials is trending downward, textbook affordability continues to weigh heavy on students’ minds. Average student spending on course materials is the lowest the industry has seen in 24 years, according to NACS, yet some students are still…


New Ambassador White Paper Explores Inclusive Access and Equitable Access, Improving Course Materials Availability, Affordability, Consistency and Transparency

Ambassador Education Solutions  has been powering successful, compliant, automatic fulfillment initiatives for decades, and in its new white paper, the company is sharing its insights as schools look to develop Inclusive Access and Equitable Access programs. To request a free copy of "Inclusive Access & Equitable Access: Automatically Connecting Students to Lower Cost Course Materials,"…